Harry and the Mutant Mid-Century Furniture
Set in a 1960s idyllic American town, the film centers on a young boy named Harry, who is convinced that his dad, a chair designer, was abducted by aliens. Determined to prove his theory, Harry runs away from home and breaks into nearby Area 51 where he discovers an unlikely friend brought to life by radiation from atomic testing: a talking office chair named Swiv.
When Swiv is... (展开全部)
Set in a 1960s idyllic American town, the film centers on a young boy named Harry, who is convinced that his dad, a chair designer, was abducted by aliens. Determined to prove his theory, Harry runs away from home and breaks into nearby Area 51 where he discovers an unlikely friend brought to life by radiation from atomic testing: a talking office chair named Swiv.
When Swiv is taken by the U.S. Army, Harry must team up with a wise, old recliner and a sarcastic ottoman to save his new friend and all of chair-kind from being destroyed at the hands of the maniacal General Frank Holtzman. Everyone in this world has a perfect nuclear family except for Harry, who will learn that “family” comes in all shapes, sizes, and ergonomic options.