A is a feature length drama that follows Konrad, a young alcoholic ambient musician who locks himself in his one bedroom apartment on a dangerous seven day bender as he tries to finish his anticipated upcoming album. Over a week of intense drinking and alcohol fuelled dementia, he is visited by his adoptive family, friends, and loved ones who all have varying views of his curre... (展开全部)
A is a feature length drama that follows Konrad, a young alcoholic ambient musician who locks himself in his one bedroom apartment on a dangerous seven day bender as he tries to finish his anticipated upcoming album. Over a week of intense drinking and alcohol fuelled dementia, he is visited by his adoptive family, friends, and loved ones who all have varying views of his current mental health. Unable to grasp onto reality and lost in his disease, Konrad must navigate through the nightmare of his bender and stave off the pressures of those around him. The film takes place in one location and casts active working musicians Dirty Beaches, Tasseomancy, Petra Glynt, Femminielli, and Caro Diaro exclusively in their feature length debuts. A is surrounded by music, from its characters, with its cast, in its story, and through its sound.