Documentarian Cohen’s fiction feature debut, previously known as Knockers, follows an 11-year-old girl whose summer trip to Cornwall with her mum takes a dark turn after meeting a local boy. Cast includes Joel Sefton-longi, Flora Hylton, Skyer Dennett, Josie Walker and Nichola Burley. Julia Nottingham and Ariadne Kotsaki produce for Dorothy Street Pictures, with backing from BB... (展开全部)
Documentarian Cohen’s fiction feature debut, previously known as Knockers, follows an 11-year-old girl whose summer trip to Cornwall with her mum takes a dark turn after meeting a local boy. Cast includes Joel Sefton-longi, Flora Hylton, Skyer Dennett, Josie Walker and Nichola Burley. Julia Nottingham and Ariadne Kotsaki produce for Dorothy Street Pictures, with backing from BBC Film and the BFI. Edge Of Summer took part last year in Great8, the annual Cannes buyers’ showcase of UK films from emerging directors organised by BFI and British Council.