La Singular Historia de Juan sin Nada

La Singular Historia de Juan sin Nada

导演: Ricardo Figueredo
制片国家/地区: 古巴
类型: 纪录片
年代: 2016
豆瓣评分: 0
影伴评分: 0

  Seven pounds of rice, five pounds sugar, four ounces coffee, half a pound cooking oil, five eggs, 10 ounces beans, a small bread roll and a pound a half of meat – that’s the monthly allotment for Cubans under the country’s rationing system.
  An independent film financed through crowd-funding and without the financial support of traditional Cuban film institutions, THE SINGULAR S... (展开全部)
  Seven pounds of rice, five pounds sugar, four ounces coffee, half a pound cooking oil, five eggs, 10 ounces beans, a small bread roll and a pound a half of meat – that’s the monthly allotment for Cubans under the country’s rationing system.
  An independent film financed through crowd-funding and without the financial support of traditional Cuban film institutions, THE SINGULAR STORY OF UNLUCKY JUAN is a comprehensive, accessible examination of the particularities of the Cuban economy. Using a fictional worker called Juan as an example, the film shows how the economy affects the daily lives of ordinary citizens – and how badly it squeezes those who don’t have access to hard currency
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