Die Gefilde der Seeligen

Die Gefilde der Seeligen

导演: Natalie Groh
制片国家/地区: 德国
年代: 2022
片长: 5分50秒
豆瓣评分: 0
影伴评分: 0

  An abstract portrait, a quick glimpse into one of many realities, in this case those of Willi. For several years now, Willi has been living in a construction trailer in the Lower Saxony province where he treads the paths of his retirement. – An exploration of what it’s like to be old and an outsider questioning identity and whether we are not just a collection of reactions to t... (展开全部)
  An abstract portrait, a quick glimpse into one of many realities, in this case those of Willi. For several years now, Willi has been living in a construction trailer in the Lower Saxony province where he treads the paths of his retirement. – An exploration of what it’s like to be old and an outsider questioning identity and whether we are not just a collection of reactions to the history that happens to us collectively. Whether individuality is just our decision on the reaction to an event.
  Here, to be an outsider can mean having a perspective from a distance, maybe even freedom. – Being happy in exile at the margins with a horizon.
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