Laid is based on the Australian created by Marieke Hardy and Kirsty Fisher, produced by Liz Watts. It follows a woman who finds out her former lovers are dying in unusual ways and must go back through her sex timeline to confront her past in order to move forward. It’s described as a f*cked up rom-com where the answer to “Why can’t I find love, is there something wrong with me?... (展开全部)
Laid is based on the Australian created by Marieke Hardy and Kirsty Fisher, produced by Liz Watts. It follows a woman who finds out her former lovers are dying in unusual ways and must go back through her sex timeline to confront her past in order to move forward. It’s described as a f*cked up rom-com where the answer to “Why can’t I find love, is there something wrong with me?” is a resounding: “Yes, there is. The problem is definitely you.”