Silent Mail
Silent Mail follows a group of children who discover a downed French pilot, Pierre, and embark on a mission to rescue him. The children decide to transport the pilot to a hospital based on a principle similar to Chinese whispers, known in the Czech Republic as “silent mail”, from village to village. Their journey is fraught with danger as they navigate through the challenges po... (展开全部)
Silent Mail follows a group of children who discover a downed French pilot, Pierre, and embark on a mission to rescue him. The children decide to transport the pilot to a hospital based on a principle similar to Chinese whispers, known in the Czech Republic as “silent mail”, from village to village. Their journey is fraught with danger as they navigate through the challenges posed by the occupying German army, traitors, informers and the harsh winter conditions in the mountains. The film will depict their perilous adventure, highlighting the resilience and ingenuity of its young heroes.