Shot entirely in Havana by DP Gevorg Gev Juguryan, the drama follows Elvis (played by César Domínguez) who returns to the Cuban capital after serving a 10-year sentence in prison for killing his abusive stepfather.
His best friend Martin (Omar Rolando) helps him in his struggle to reintegrate himself into society, but things get complicated when he encounters his childhood swee... (展开全部)
Shot entirely in Havana by DP Gevorg Gev Juguryan, the drama follows Elvis (played by César Domínguez) who returns to the Cuban capital after serving a 10-year sentence in prison for killing his abusive stepfather.
His best friend Martin (Omar Rolando) helps him in his struggle to reintegrate himself into society, but things get complicated when he encounters his childhood sweetheart, Yuli (Camila Rodhe) and her husband, a key figure in Havana’s criminal underworld. When the opportunity to leave Havana presents itself, he has to decide between leaping into an uncertain future or facing harsh realities at home.