Sluggard Clan
Inspired by the Slovak literary classic Ťapákovci by Božena Slančíková-Timrava, the narrative pivots around three lazy siblings – Enriko, portrayed by Milan Ondrík; Titus, played by Milan Mikulčík; and the dreamy Aureliáno, portrayed by Samuel Teicher, here in his first film role – who form a family of "fools" existing in an isolated forest. The story homes in on the brothers’ ... (展开全部)
Inspired by the Slovak literary classic Ťapákovci by Božena Slančíková-Timrava, the narrative pivots around three lazy siblings – Enriko, portrayed by Milan Ondrík; Titus, played by Milan Mikulčík; and the dreamy Aureliáno, portrayed by Samuel Teicher, here in his first film role – who form a family of "fools" existing in an isolated forest. The story homes in on the brothers’ relationships with their “fated women” in an allegory delving into the inner worlds of the characters, crafting a narrative around dreams, imaginations and skewed perceptions. Sluggard Clan is the tale of idle brothers lost in their naivety, lethargy and folly — a poignant representation of contemporary society's ever-present inertia.