Eternal Peace
Initially conceptualised as a dystopian drama, Eternal Peace turns into a chamber family drama, resonating with Strakatý’s personal memories of his debt-laden father. However, the filmmaker has made it clear that the movie is a reality-inspired fiction, rather than an autobiographical work.
Set against the backdrop of Prague's satellite towns, the film weaves the story of Jindř... (展开全部)
Initially conceptualised as a dystopian drama, Eternal Peace turns into a chamber family drama, resonating with Strakatý’s personal memories of his debt-laden father. However, the filmmaker has made it clear that the movie is a reality-inspired fiction, rather than an autobiographical work.
Set against the backdrop of Prague's satellite towns, the film weaves the story of Jindřiška, a 23-year-old embroiled in the whirlwind of her father's overwhelming debt. With assets, including her family home, in jeopardy, she embarks on a tumultuous journey of familial duty, personal resilience and the devastating weight of fiscal despair. The official synopsis reads: “Carefree Jindřiška discovers that her father has run up huge debts when debt collectors start confiscating the family property, including the house. During the course of one day, Jindřiška's world crumbles into pieces of furniture, which she and her best friend Karolína try to salvage and hide. Jindřiška must decide whether to trust and help her father, or save herself before it's too late.”