Written and directed by Oscar nominee Ryûsuke Hamaguchi, Gift is set in Mizubiki Village in Nagano, a town located on a plateau rich in nature not so far from Tokyo. The number of immigrants is on the rise, with very gradual development. Takumi and his daughter Hana, who have lived there for generations, lead a modest life, following the cycle of nature. One day, a plan is hatc... (展开全部)
Written and directed by Oscar nominee Ryûsuke Hamaguchi, Gift is set in Mizubiki Village in Nagano, a town located on a plateau rich in nature not so far from Tokyo. The number of immigrants is on the rise, with very gradual development. Takumi and his daughter Hana, who have lived there for generations, lead a modest life, following the cycle of nature. One day, a plan is hatched to build a glamping site near Takumi’s house: an entertainment agency, which has fallen into financial difficulties due to the COVID disaster, has obtained a government subsidy and plans to set up a glamping site. However, the discovery that they intend to discharge sewage into the village water source causes unrest in the village, and the aftermath affects Takumi’s life as well.