Code 3
The film, by director Christopher Leone, follows a day in the life of Randy and Mike, two overworked, underpaid, and nearly burnt-out paramedics. One is so burnt out by the job that he is forcing himself to resign, though he first must embark on one last 24-hour shift to train his replacement. Everything that could happen on the job, from the mundane to the extreme, then happen... (展开全部)
The film, by director Christopher Leone, follows a day in the life of Randy and Mike, two overworked, underpaid, and nearly burnt-out paramedics. One is so burnt out by the job that he is forcing himself to resign, though he first must embark on one last 24-hour shift to train his replacement. Everything that could happen on the job, from the mundane to the extreme, then happens on this final, exhilarating day.
The script for Code 3 hails from former paramedic, Patrick Pianezza and Leone.