Set against the backdrop of the violent Memali Incident in 1985, this psychological thriller is about a visiting handyman and his young daughter who experience mysterious visions in a remote village amid the fatal police raid against fundamentalists. The film is produced by Aron Koh’s Lomo Pictures and director Woo’s Greenlight Pictures. Woo’s Stone Turtle premiered in Locarno’... (展开全部)
Set against the backdrop of the violent Memali Incident in 1985, this psychological thriller is about a visiting handyman and his young daughter who experience mysterious visions in a remote village amid the fatal police raid against fundamentalists. The film is produced by Aron Koh’s Lomo Pictures and director Woo’s Greenlight Pictures. Woo’s Stone Turtle premiered in Locarno’s international competition last year where it received the Fipresci prize.