The documentary film "Złota," directed by Tomasz Knittel, is an economical, almost intimate portrait of a neighborhood community set in Polish reality. The film's protagonists are a thirty-five-year-old man named Krzysztof and his wife Ida. The house on Złota Street, inhabited by the couple, was reclaimed through reprivatization, inherited from their ancestors of Jewish origin.... (展开全部)
The documentary film "Złota," directed by Tomasz Knittel, is an economical, almost intimate portrait of a neighborhood community set in Polish reality. The film's protagonists are a thirty-five-year-old man named Krzysztof and his wife Ida. The house on Złota Street, inhabited by the couple, was reclaimed through reprivatization, inherited from their ancestors of Jewish origin. The story of the characters is intertwined with the fates of other residents of the tenement house. The viewer learns, among other things, the fate of a 94-year-old retired accountant, an Afghan man with a Ukrainian woman and Syrian refugees. The film "Złota" is a nostalgic story about the search for one's place in the modern world, as well as a painful and emotional study of a relationship. The film "Zlota" made its debut at the Hot Docs 2020 festival, and the title represents another directorial work by Tomasz Knittel - the creator of, among other films, "Universam Grochow," which won the audience award at the 34th WFF and 58th KFF. The film has added to the director's documentary portfolio about Polish apartment blocks.