This is a tragic-comedy based on the true story of an international theater troupe trying to survive in the city of Bangkok, a city dedicated to business and thirsty of money. During a theater play, a wealthy Thai girl in search for herself, discovers the beauty of theater and decides to leave her bright future as a business manager in order to become an actor. Unfortunately, t... (展开全部)
This is a tragic-comedy based on the true story of an international theater troupe trying to survive in the city of Bangkok, a city dedicated to business and thirsty of money. During a theater play, a wealthy Thai girl in search for herself, discovers the beauty of theater and decides to leave her bright future as a business manager in order to become an actor. Unfortunately, the life of the company is not easy and, despite her efforts to do well, she brings in elements of tension to the theater troupe. After many adventures that even have the 'capocomico' to be jailed, the Thai girl disappears dramatically during a performance, leaving everybody appalled.