A former IT manager, portrayed by Martin Pechlát, has started an eco-farm, where his wife (Magdaléna Borová) and daughter (Dorota Šlajerová) work while leading an off-the-grid lifestyle totally in harmony with nature. Their farm is surrounded by fields of monocultures in the care of the owner of an agronomy company (Marek Daniel), who is under pressure from his own father (Bole... (展开全部)
A former IT manager, portrayed by Martin Pechlát, has started an eco-farm, where his wife (Magdaléna Borová) and daughter (Dorota Šlajerová) work while leading an off-the-grid lifestyle totally in harmony with nature. Their farm is surrounded by fields of monocultures in the care of the owner of an agronomy company (Marek Daniel), who is under pressure from his own father (Boleslav Polívka) and pollutes the environment. The youngest man in that family (Tomáš Sean Pšenička), who is supposed to take over the agronomic family business, has a different opinion on farming, however: he prefers the eco-farming of his neighbour, whose daughter he is in love with.