The story introduces Ibrahim (played by Moussa Sylla), who arrived in Spain a few years ago from Guinea but now his roots are in Madrid, where he lives with Mariama (Nansi Nsue), and he works as a bricklayer. One day he is arrested by the police and, as he does not have a residence permit, so he is deported to his home country. From then on, his only goal is to return to Spain ... (展开全部)
The story introduces Ibrahim (played by Moussa Sylla), who arrived in Spain a few years ago from Guinea but now his roots are in Madrid, where he lives with Mariama (Nansi Nsue), and he works as a bricklayer. One day he is arrested by the police and, as he does not have a residence permit, so he is deported to his home country. From then on, his only goal is to return to Spain to be reunited with his partner and a daughter who is soon to be born. After making it across Africa, the man stays with some fellow travellers on Mount Gurugú, a migrant camp that separates Africa from Europe. In Nador he meets Aminata (Edith Martínez), a girl determined to jump the fence and reach Spain, but this physical feat is not possible for everyone: many never make it, others die in the attempt and only one woman has succeeded to date.