This delightful tale follows a sweet, endearing middle-income couple as they receive an unexpected financial windfall during their 25th wedding anniversary reception. Hilarious catastrophes ensue as the news spreads like wildfire and wealth creates blazing rifts between their previously loving families. Rivaling children, competing loved ones, and fair-weather friends advise, s... (展开全部)
This delightful tale follows a sweet, endearing middle-income couple as they receive an unexpected financial windfall during their 25th wedding anniversary reception. Hilarious catastrophes ensue as the news spreads like wildfire and wealth creates blazing rifts between their previously loving families. Rivaling children, competing loved ones, and fair-weather friends advise, scheme, and tussle over their "share" of the newly acquired fortune. Enjoy this heartwarming exploration of love, lolly, and loyalty through a surprising journey of fortune, fiasco, and faith. Inspired by actual events.