Fleeing from a tragic memory, a young woman ends up at Don Marcos’ house, a lonely old man who performs rituals in Latin, communicating with the wandering souls who live in the old cemetery that is his land. After failing in all her attempts to flee, which mysteriously always send her back to the same point, she chooses to stay with Don Marcos and help him resist against a ruth... (展开全部)
Fleeing from a tragic memory, a young woman ends up at Don Marcos’ house, a lonely old man who performs rituals in Latin, communicating with the wandering souls who live in the old cemetery that is his land. After failing in all her attempts to flee, which mysteriously always send her back to the same point, she chooses to stay with Don Marcos and help him resist against a ruthless real estate agent who is taking over all the land in the region. With the always forceful performance of Gustavo Angarita, WISP is a film full of symbolism about the living and the dead, in which Evil disguises itself and makes promises of a better future. After all, according to Quevedo: ... and what you call dying is finishing dying, and what you call being born is starting to die, and what you call living is dying in life.