Mia tells the story of a small, simple, happy family who are taken by storm by a manipulative young man who turns this wonderful fifteen-year-old girl’s life upside down until it’s nothing short of a nightmare. He strips her of her beauty and her sense of pleasure and fun. He humiliates and isolates her. And when, with her father’s help, she eventually tires of him and leaves h... (展开全部)
Mia tells the story of a small, simple, happy family who are taken by storm by a manipulative young man who turns this wonderful fifteen-year-old girl’s life upside down until it’s nothing short of a nightmare. He strips her of her beauty and her sense of pleasure and fun. He humiliates and isolates her. And when, with her father’s help, she eventually tires of him and leaves him, he sets about destroying her. Her most private photos and the intimate films they made together are all posted online. When the young woman sees them, a tragic reaction ensues. Her father has only one thing left to cling onto: revenge.