The Return of the Whistler

The Return of the Whistler

导演: D. Ross Lederman
编剧: Maurice Tombragel,Edward Bock,Cornell Woolrich
主演: Michael Duane,Lenore Aubert,Richard Lane 
类型: Film-Noir / 悬疑
年代: 1948
IMDB: 6.3
影伴评分: 0
On the eve of his marriage, a young man's fiance disappears. He hires a private detective to help him track her down, but soon finds himself entangled in a web of lies, intrigue and murder revolving around his fiance's dead ex-husband and his wealthy, corrupt family.
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The Return of the Whistler[1948][1080p][bluray][x264][2.0][1.04 GB]
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The Return of the Whistler[1948][720p][bluray][x264][2.0][574.47 MB]
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