Billy the Kid Versus Dracula

Billy the Kid Versus Dracula

导演: William Beaudine
编剧: Carl K. Hittleman
主演: John Carradine,Chuck Courtney,Melinda Casey 
类型: 动作 / 戏剧 / 恐怖
年代: 1966
IMDB: 3.8
影伴评分: 0
In the American Old West, Count Dracula makes his mark on a young woman who introduces him to her fiance, William Bonney - a.k.a. Billy the Kid. A European family who had previously encountered Dracula warns Billy of who the man is and the danger that he will bring, but no one believes him.
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Billy the Kid Versus Dracula[1966][1080p][bluray][x264][2.0][1.24 GB]
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Billy the Kid Versus Dracula[1966][720p][bluray][x264][2.0][682.9 MB]
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