Dominion of Darkness

Dominion of Darkness

导演: Bobby Prasetyo
编剧: Andri Cahyadi,Robert Ronny,Vera Varidia
主演: Jerome Kurnia,Lukman Sardi,Astrid Tiar 
类型: 恐怖
年代: 2024
IMDB: 6.5
影伴评分: 0
After the death of his mother and sister in a tragic accident, Thomas intends to resign as a priest. However, he is given a final task to help the exorcist pastor, Rendra, whose health is declining, to exorcise the demon that has possessed Kayla, his late sister's best friend. Thomas and Rendra try their best to exorcise the demon that resides in Kayla's body. It turns out that the demon not only threatens Kayla's life but also Maya, Kayla's mother who has a dark past that makes her haunted by guilt.
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Dominion of Darkness[2024][1080p][web][x264][5.1][1.76 GB]
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Dominion of Darkness[2024][720p][web][x264][2.0][878.23 MB]
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