Goyôkiba: Oni no Hanzô yawahada koban

Goyôkiba: Oni no Hanzô yawahada koban

导演: Yoshio Inoue
编剧: Takeshi Kanda,Kazuo Koike,Yasuzô Masumura
主演: Shintarô Katsu,Kô Nishimura,Mako Midori 
类型: 动作
年代: 1974
IMDB: 6.5
影伴评分: 0
Follow the money. In a time of economic disaster for wage earners, Hanzo discovers a conspiracy among high officials to "borrow" gold from the shogunate's treasury and loan it out to the destitute, including impecunious samurai - exacting either interest payments or family heirlooms from the debtors. Along the way, Hanzo extracts a confession from a ghost using his assaulting methods, foils thieves, connects with Heisuke Takei a friend from his youth, offers protection to a forward-thinking physician Genan Sugino who has defamed his ruler, discovers a pleasure ring of young wives and a blind music teacher, and cuckolds a corrupt official under his very nose.
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Goyôkiba: Oni no Hanzô yawahada koban[1974][1080p][web][x264][2.0][1.38 GB]
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Goyôkiba: Oni no Hanzô yawahada koban[1974][720p][web][x264][2.0][759.13 MB]
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