Girls Like Us! Part 1

Girls Like Us! Part 1

导演: James McFarland,Chan C. Smith,Anike Bay
编剧: Anike Bay,Coquie Hughes,Chan C. Smith
主演: Bethany Stanton,Robin Lei,Milon V. Parker 
类型: 喜剧 / 戏剧 / 爱情
年代: 2012
IMDB: 5.5
影伴评分: 0
This is a lesbian drama series about a female attorney named Keisha, who is intimately involved in a relationship with an author/woman named Zoe, and a man/gynecologist named Greg. Keisha has been able to keep her hidden idiosyncrasies from her family and friends for months, but now her secret affair with Zoe is creeping to the forefront. Keisha feeling pressured by Zoe to end her relationship with Greg, and evenly pressured by Greg to get married now, has finally realized that she must choose between the love of her life Zoe or the politically correct life with Greg she is supposed to live.
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Girls Like Us! Part 1[2012][1080p][web][x264][2.0][1.23 GB]
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Girls Like Us! Part 1[2012][720p][web][x264][2.0][680.56 MB]
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