Bigfoot the Movie

Bigfoot the Movie

导演: Jared Show
编剧: Jared Show,Curt Wootton
主演: Curt Wootton,Joanie Dodds,Jared Show 
类型: 喜剧
年代: 2015
IMDB: 5.6
影伴评分: 0
JS Pictures Corp presents a Jared Show film starring Curt Wootton, Joanie Dodds, Nate Magill & Jared Show. Bigfoot The Movie is not a documentary or like Harry and the Hendersons. If you enjoy the movies: Tremors, Shawn of the Dead, and Tucker and Dale VS Evil then your gonna love this! Bigfoot has come to the town of Ellwood City, PA and is causing BIG problems. Now it's up to four town locals, Chuck (Curt Wootton), Dale (Nathan Magill), Burl (Jared Show) and Kate (Joanie Dodds) to take him down. In this comedy/horror flick mullets, guns and beer are in full supply as the movie skewers the Pittsburgh 'Yinzer' stereotype right alongside the Bigfoot myth. The movie features Pittsburgh's most famous and best loved celebrities like Curt Wootton (Pittsburgh Dad), Joanie Dodds (America's Next Top Model), Bill Crawford (WDVE) Jim Krenn (stand-up comic, formerly of the WDVE morning show), Aaron Klieber (stand-up comic), Terry Jones (stand-up comic), Brenna Lee Roth (Killer Biker Chicks), and even veteran news anchor Darieth Chisolm (formerly of WPXI) among others.
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Bigfoot the Movie[2015][720p][web][x264][2.0][881.94 MB]
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