Evil Bong 666

Evil Bong 666

导演: Charles Band
编剧: Charles Band,Brockton McKinney,Kent Roudebush
主演: Mindy Robinson,Sonny Carl Davis,Robin Sydney 
类型: 喜剧 / 恐怖
年代: 2017
IMDB: 3.7
影伴评分: 0
Your favorite stoner characters are back in EVIL BONG 666. When a blood sacrifice opens a portal to Hell, Ebee is returned to Earth where Lucy Furr, the new proprietor of her weed shop, has some sinister plans of her own. Before Ebee's dreams of world domination can be satisfied she will need to employ the help of Rabbit and The Gingerdead Man. Channeling their inner Dr. Frankenstein, Ebee and Rabbit create The Gingerweed Man: a tiny, patchwork monster made from the greatest strains of weed on earth. This animated edible is ready to join the fight in Sexy Hell. Keep your bongs packed, this is going to be one crazy trip.
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Evil Bong 666[2017][1080p][web][x264][2.0][1.09 GB]
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Evil Bong 666[2017][720p][web][x264][2.0][603.85 MB]
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