Dimension 5

Dimension 5

导演: Franklin Adreon
编剧: Arthur C. Pierce
主演: Jeffrey Hunter,France Nuyen,Harold Sakata 
类型: 犯罪 / 科幻 / 惊悚
年代: 1966
IMDB: 4.6
影伴评分: 0
The unofficial agency of the American government Espionage Corporation is assigned to investigate the Chinese organization The Dragons when the government is advised to remove the American troops from Asia, otherwise The Dragons would destroy Los Angeles with a Hydrogen Bomb. The chief, Mr. Kane, asks his best agent Justin Power, who is testing a time converter belt, to be in charge of the mission with the Chinese agent Ki Ti Tso, aka Kitty. The intelligence agency unravels that parts of the bomb has been imported by smuggler Big Buddha, and Power and Kitty seek the hidden place in USA.
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Dimension 5[1966][720p][bluray][x264][2.0][834.75 MB]
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