On Any Sunday: The Next Chapter

On Any Sunday: The Next Chapter

导演: Dana Brown
编剧: Mark Anders,Dana Brown,Dana Brown,Scott Rousseau,Scott Rousseau
主演: Bo Derek,Travis Pastrana,Jimmy N. Roberts 
类型: 纪录片 / 动作 / 冒险
年代: 2014
IMDB: 7.1
影伴评分: 0
In 1971, 'On Any Sunday' starring Steve McQueen opened in theatres and wrote its place in motorcycle history. It also transcended the sport to reach a wide audience through a cast of engaging characters and variety of heartfelt stories. 'On Any Sunday, The Next Chapter' will continue this family tradition and also pass the torch to the next generations. A lot has happened in the past 40 years, but the passion for riding is timeless and continues today.
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On Any Sunday: The Next Chapter[2014][720p][bluray][x264][2.0][874.01 MB]
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