Speak No Evil

Speak No Evil

导演: Roze
编剧: Roze
主演: Gabrielle Stone,Olivia Cavender,Carl Jensen IV 
类型: 恐怖
年代: 2013
IMDB: 3.3
影伴评分: 0
When Anna's daughter Joey goes missing, it's assumed to be the result of bad parenting - but dark forces are suspected when every child in town also disappears. The children return but show signs of demonic possession, and proceed to attack the town. Forced to wage a violent campaign against the children, the townspeople go on a bloody rampage, but Anna refuses to believe her daughter is lost to the devil and will do whatever it takes to save her from the demon inside.
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Speak No Evil[2013][1080p][bluray][x264][5.1][1.37 GB]
2025-03-13 16:00:45 磁力链接 第1集 0/0 share-king 请先登录
Speak No Evil[2013][720p][bluray][x264][2.0][681.67 MB]
2025-03-13 16:00:45 磁力链接 第1集 0/0 share-king 请先登录
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