Rani, a female police officer who handled a murder case in the restricted forest where she served. This case involved Tamara, a vlogger horror who was a victim of the chancel culture of the netizens due to being caught uploading a fake sighting video. Knowing the legendary story of the Devil's Market, Tamara and his team then went on a journey to find the Devil's Market to prov... (展开全部)
Rani, a female police officer who handled a murder case in the restricted forest where she served. This case involved Tamara, a vlogger horror who was a victim of the chancel culture of the netizens due to being caught uploading a fake sighting video. Knowing the legendary story of the Devil's Market, Tamara and his team then went on a journey to find the Devil's Market to prove its existence and restore their good name. Problems arose when Tamara discovered the restricted area, but instead of being able to correct a good name, they were instead trapped inside it.