Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams is a 1973 film which tells the story of a New York City homemaker who rethinks her relationships with her husband, her children and her mother. The movie stars Joanne Woodward, Martin Balsam, Sylvia Sidney and Teresa Hughes, was written by Stewart Stern, and directed by Gilbert Cates.
Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams garnered nominations for Academy Awa... (展开全部)
Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams is a 1973 film which tells the story of a New York City homemaker who rethinks her relationships with her husband, her children and her mother. The movie stars Joanne Woodward, Martin Balsam, Sylvia Sidney and Teresa Hughes, was written by Stewart Stern, and directed by Gilbert Cates.
Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams garnered nominations for Academy Awards for Best Actress in a Leading Role (Joanne Woodward) and Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Sylvia Sidney).