The 13-episode period drama series starring Shigeru Amachi that was broadcast on Fuji Television from October to December 1973. The story takes place in the Edo period (1603-1867), when the main character Gen, a member of a group of ninja, is ordered to confront his fellow ninja Yatouji, who has questioned the existence of the ninja and has become a "loose ninja". Gen defeats Y... (展开全部)
The 13-episode period drama series starring Shigeru Amachi that was broadcast on Fuji Television from October to December 1973. The story takes place in the Edo period (1603-1867), when the main character Gen, a member of a group of ninja, is ordered to confront his fellow ninja Yatouji, who has questioned the existence of the ninja and has become a "loose ninja". Gen defeats Yatouji, but his words move him so much that he himself becomes a "lackey ninja" and is hunted... Shigeru Amachi gives a fine performance as the hero, Gen, who is hunted to death after leaving the ninja world, but who also wanders about in search of the joy of living as a human being. This hard-boiled period drama was produced by director Hideo Gosha.