Mia nyhta tou Avgoustou
The narrative thread of the series One August Night unfolds from the moment Anna Petraki (Evgenia Dimitropoulou) is murdered by her husband, Andreas Vandoulakis (Yannis Stankoglou). One night in August, six years ago, the latter finds out she had a lover, his cousin, Manolis Vandoulakis (Yorgos Karamihos). The series protagonist is Anna's sister, Maria Petraki (Youlika Skafida)... (展开全部)
The narrative thread of the series One August Night unfolds from the moment Anna Petraki (Evgenia Dimitropoulou) is murdered by her husband, Andreas Vandoulakis (Yannis Stankoglou). One night in August, six years ago, the latter finds out she had a lover, his cousin, Manolis Vandoulakis (Yorgos Karamihos). The series protagonist is Anna's sister, Maria Petraki (Youlika Skafida), who tries to continue her life, keeping well-hidden secrets that must never be revealed.