In the story, Gosha Ozhegov, a 21-year-old student of the geological faculty of Moscow State University, is forced to leave the university due to a number of circumstances. To complete his studies and get a diploma, he needs to undergo an internship by a geological prospector at the large company Alai Zoloto, which conducts geological exploration in a remote and poorly studied ... (展开全部)
In the story, Gosha Ozhegov, a 21-year-old student of the geological faculty of Moscow State University, is forced to leave the university due to a number of circumstances. To complete his studies and get a diploma, he needs to undergo an internship by a geological prospector at the large company Alai Zoloto, which conducts geological exploration in a remote and poorly studied region of Eastern Siberia. Gosh goes to the tiny village of Kolomakh, where he meets the local authority of Anton. He is, although illegal, but the only real power in these places.