In this sitcom, the very-small-league amateur soccer team from the homonymous movie ("de serie" is Dutch for "The Series") which is so bad at the game even their emancipated girls have a hard time taking it seriously -causing increasing domestic tension- continue to enjoy the team camaraderie with a comical dose of macho rivalry. Driving force is Eric, a trendy yuppie lawyer wh... (展开全部)
In this sitcom, the very-small-league amateur soccer team from the homonymous movie ("de serie" is Dutch for "The Series") which is so bad at the game even their emancipated girls have a hard time taking it seriously -causing increasing domestic tension- continue to enjoy the team camaraderie with a comical dose of macho rivalry. Driving force is Eric, a trendy yuppie lawyer who's captain, secretary etc. all in one despite having the busiest professional life, but hesitates to introduce his gay partner Geert to them - till the couple concocts the plan to make the former non-soccer-fan the team's trainer. His best friend, Stef, is a charmer but utterly unreliable. Equaly over-competitive is Franky, a drop-out without qualifications who never holds a job due to his brutish attitude but the soccer-passionate son of the boys original trainer. Vic is a philosophy graduate who resists pressure to follow in the footsteps of his father, a wealthy businessman. Jean-Marc is as clumsy as -improbable for a police officer- shy, weak and squeamish. Goal-keeper Jos runs a garden center. The other players are little more then extras in the plot, which develops one or more basically independent stories in each episode.