Evil revolves around a 16-year-old boy, Erik, who is used to violence, both at home and at school. When he is expelled from his school in Stockholm owing to his violent behaviour, he is transferred to the Stjernsberg boarding school. This is Erik’s last chance to continue his education and break with his previous life. But at Stjernsberg, the violence is even worse than it is a... (展开全部)
Evil revolves around a 16-year-old boy, Erik, who is used to violence, both at home and at school. When he is expelled from his school in Stockholm owing to his violent behaviour, he is transferred to the Stjernsberg boarding school. This is Erik’s last chance to continue his education and break with his previous life. But at Stjernsberg, the violence is even worse than it is at home. There, evil is put in a system, disguised as the “peer education” of the younger students, which is officially sanctioned by the school.